Don't Lose Your Marbles- Develop Your Stress Management Skills Part 2

We’re in the middle of a three-part series on developing stress management skills. 
 Click here to read Part 1

In the game of Marbles, the smoothest balls shoot the best. The more one is used the rougher its surface becomes. This creates friction and drag decreasing the distance and accuracy the marble can be shot. In turn, this diminishes the player’s ability to win the game. A wise competitor is careful not to overuse theirs.

This is also sound advice for playing our life game of Marbles. It’s the wise person who refrains from overusing their energy stores. Today we'll consider two basic ways to conserve yourself and decrease your stress level. By developing this next set of skills you'll be able hold on to your marbles, extending both the quality and length of your game.  

·       Consider the Season: You may be able to do everything, but you can’t do it all at the same time. There are seasons in life when some things need to take precedence while others take a back seat. You may be able to work and have children and volunteer and go to school and write that novel but likely you can’t do them all well at the same time. Going back to school may have to wait until the kids are a little older, or you might need to work part-time for a season.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

·       Don’t Over Commit: You are of no good to anyone if you can’t give your full support. It’s not a sin to say “no” when someone asks you to help with another committee or project, if it’s not something you are called to do. You cannot have all of your shooters out at one time and still be in the game.  

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 
                                                                     Ephesians 5:15-17

God doesn't want you to be stressed out or anxious. His desire for you is to live a life of peace regardless of the circumstance. The more you apply the stress management skills found in the Word, the more at peace you'll be.

Join in next week for the conclusion of this series. Until then, keep practicing your stress management skills and hanging on to your marbles.   

Don't Lose Your Marbles- Increase Your Stress Management Skills

Children have played with marbles for years. No matter which version of the game they play, the ultimate goal is the same- to hold on to their marbles. Any player that loses all of theirs is out of the game. So it is with life.

More and more, stress is a part of our everyday world. We live in a busy age filled with multiple demands pulling us in many different directions. Whether from projects at work, responsibilities at home, activities with the kids, homework, church groups, service missions—it all adds up. Sometimes life gets so hectic, the stress becomes overwhelming. When you find yourself plagued by stress, you may begin to feel that you’re losing your marbles.  
            What often gets people into trouble? For many of us, it is not having a realistic understanding of how much we can actually do. Just as a car can only go so far on a single gallon of gas, our productivity is limited by our energy level. The amount of energy we have is finite: we can’t use what we don’t have. To understand this concept further, let’s look at our energy as if it were the bag of marbles we fear we may be losing. 

The Value of Marbles:

When God created us, He gave us our individual bag. We can’t stretch it or make it any bigger- the size is fixed. In the bag, we place our marbles—little round balls of energy. We can keep a few marbles in the bag or we can fill it to the top. The choice is ours.
            It’s true that some people are naturally more high energy than others. Yet, no matter which type we are by nature, we can still maximize the amount of energy marbles we keep in our bag. How long we can last, how much we can do, depends on how many we have on hand to play the game of life with. The more we keep in our bag, the better our position to counter the everyday effects of stress. Over the next three weeks, we’ll look at different stress management steps to help us hold on to all of our marbles. 
            The first step is to build up strength by maximizing energy stores in preparation of what will come. To do so, consider the following:

·       Focus on the Positive: Nothing depletes energy faster than a negative attitude. Its effect drains you and those around you as well. Focusing on an attitude of gratitude, in turn, has the opposite effect. It consistently increases energy levels.  Keeping a gratitude journal or a short list of things you’re grateful for in clear view is an easy way to help keep focused on gratefulness. Avoiding negative people will help you hold on to the energy you have.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Philippians 4:8

·       Healthy Lifestyle: When our minds and bodies are healthy, we naturally have more energy. Want more energy stores? Eat foods that are nutritious, maintain moderate activity and drink plenty of water. This doesn’t need to be taken to the extreme. Any change toward a healthier lifestyle will bring benefit. 

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

·       Start Off Right: How we begin each morning, sets the tone for the remainder of the day. Feed both your body and your soul at the start.  Engage with God through prayer, praise or time in His word. This will plug you in to the ultimate power source and supercharge your marbles. Studies consistently show a nutritious breakfast is the single best way for both children and adults to begin with increased energy and improved performance. (Not to mention that skipping breakfast is linked to weight gain—who wants that?) Do both everyday and consistently add to your cache.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.  Mark 1:35

Join in next week for part 2 in our series. Until then, begin practicing these first three tips. I’d love to hear how they are working for you.  

How to Remain Calm in a Crisis

Many people quickly forget an important fact in the midst of a crisis. Instead of remaining calm they panic, in turn, causing greater damage. We learn of the tragic consequence of these lapses in the news. People are crushed when fire breaks out in a crowded venue because others panic rushing madly for the exit. Swimmers drown when they panic, instead of remaining calm, preventing the rescuer's attempts to save them.  The single worst thing for anyone to do in a crisis is panic. 

We grasp this when it comes to our children. Because we care about protecting them from needless harm, we teach them the skill of remaining calm. In school we practice fire drills so that they'll calmly exit a building. In tornado prone areas we have drills so they'll learn to automatically head for safety. We teach them to stop, drop and roll in case their clothing catches fire. So how is it that we fail to learn this same skill from our Father? He, too, wants His children to avoid harm so provides lessons in His word.  

When trouble comes, He teaches us to pause first to remember who it is that's on our side. No matter the size of the crisis, there's no need to panic. 
"The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."
(Exodus 14:14)

Whatever the need, He wants us to bring it to Him. Dropping to our knees is the surest way to overcome the situation and calm our fear.

"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."
(Zephaniah 3:17)

As long as we keep our focus on Him, we will be able to take the next step. In Him, we'll roll on down the road in the peace that passes all understanding. Whether He chooses to calm the storm or to simply calm us, we'll be kept in peace.

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!"
(Isaiah 26:3)

Lessons for the Journey:

Life can sometimes feel like a battlefield surrounding you with crisis on many sides. Circumstances rage against you. People try to defeat you. Regardless of the manner of the attack, be it with weapons or with words, never lose hope just stop, drop and roll. The victory is certain because the power to overcome does not come from you. Remain calm trusting in God. It is He who fights in your stead and no power -of earth or of hell- can ever defeat Him.

"And the Lord gave them rest on every side, just as he had solemnly promised their ancestors. None of their enemies could stand against them, for the Lord helped them conquer all their enemies."
(Joshua 21:44)


How to Live a Victorious Life

Recently we went to see an action movie. In it, the protagonist suffered through great anguish and many trials. Often, her very life was in imminent danger from the enemy. Although our emotions were moved with her- we felt sad, angry, and anxious- we never lost hope. We knew the end of the story because we'd already read the book. In the end, she prevails.

As the protagonist of your own story, hold tight to the message of Easter. You will experience suffering and trials in this life and there is an enemy who seeks to destroy. But with Christ as your Savior you can be confident of the final outcome. You already know the end of the story; the tomb is empty!  You need never lose hope. Your ultimate victory is already secured. 

Message for the Journey:

The greatest words ever spoken came in the moment of greatest suffering. With three little words- “It is finished”- Jesus forever changed our path. Through them, He made a way for us to have a victorious life.  When it feels like your Friday has come, trust that your Sunday is coming too. For at all times, in all things, your King reigns. 


"When Jesus had tasted it, he said, 'It is finished!' Then he bowed his head and released his spirit."-
John 19:30