How to Remain Calm in a Crisis

Many people quickly forget an important fact in the midst of a crisis. Instead of remaining calm they panic, in turn, causing greater damage. We learn of the tragic consequence of these lapses in the news. People are crushed when fire breaks out in a crowded venue because others panic rushing madly for the exit. Swimmers drown when they panic, instead of remaining calm, preventing the rescuer's attempts to save them.  The single worst thing for anyone to do in a crisis is panic. 

We grasp this when it comes to our children. Because we care about protecting them from needless harm, we teach them the skill of remaining calm. In school we practice fire drills so that they'll calmly exit a building. In tornado prone areas we have drills so they'll learn to automatically head for safety. We teach them to stop, drop and roll in case their clothing catches fire. So how is it that we fail to learn this same skill from our Father? He, too, wants His children to avoid harm so provides lessons in His word.  

When trouble comes, He teaches us to pause first to remember who it is that's on our side. No matter the size of the crisis, there's no need to panic. 
"The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."
(Exodus 14:14)

Whatever the need, He wants us to bring it to Him. Dropping to our knees is the surest way to overcome the situation and calm our fear.

"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."
(Zephaniah 3:17)

As long as we keep our focus on Him, we will be able to take the next step. In Him, we'll roll on down the road in the peace that passes all understanding. Whether He chooses to calm the storm or to simply calm us, we'll be kept in peace.

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!"
(Isaiah 26:3)

Lessons for the Journey:

Life can sometimes feel like a battlefield surrounding you with crisis on many sides. Circumstances rage against you. People try to defeat you. Regardless of the manner of the attack, be it with weapons or with words, never lose hope just stop, drop and roll. The victory is certain because the power to overcome does not come from you. Remain calm trusting in God. It is He who fights in your stead and no power -of earth or of hell- can ever defeat Him.

"And the Lord gave them rest on every side, just as he had solemnly promised their ancestors. None of their enemies could stand against them, for the Lord helped them conquer all their enemies."
(Joshua 21:44)


1 comment:

  1. I love your post today my dear Ann if we will only learn to pause and stop like you my
