Color the World

One of the things I like least about winter time is that it steals most of the color from our backyard woods. Even the trees and bushes that maintain some green seem to turn a duller, dusty shade.
Yet it’s this very dullness that makes any touch of color that much more beautiful. I came across this red leaf yesterday and its color stood out even more brightly surrounded as it was by a sea of drab brown.
Though outward circumstances may drain the color from those around you, stealing their joy, remember that you’re different. The joy of someone with the power of Christ living inside them is no longer rooted to the outside world. So when the wind blows cold, hold fast to your color, your inner joy. You’ll stand out as a beacon of hope to a dying world.
Ann Wilds
“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
(John 15:11)

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