How to Have Enough for Tomorrow

A part of the natural rhythm of life is working today to have enough for tomorrow. 

We see it in the animal world. The squirrel strives to collect nuts for food in the winter. The beaver gathers extra sticks and wood, in and around their lodge, to eat when the water freezes. They sense that a time of scarity is approaching and instinctively prepare to endure it.

We see it in history. In the book of Genesis, we learn how God provided Joseph with an interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream. He did this to ensure that excess from Egypt’s seven years of plenty were kept in storehouses so that His chosen people could survive the subsequent years of famine. God knew what the future held and through Joseph provided for his people.

We see it today. Although in most of our homes, we no longer store our harvest in storehouses, we do place our money in the bank for the same purpose. When we need funds, we go to the ATM and make a withdrawal. But we can only take out what we've put in. Just like food, money runs out if we don’t work to replenish it.    

Yet, there is a place that runs counter to this natural rhythm, where a bounty does not need to be earned. There you find a surplus that can not be depleted. It needs no deposits from you; it's a continual gift that can't be earned. It's in God you have a heavenly ATM. He's your abundantly tender maker whose love is without end.

In His eyes you are never overdrawn because:

  • His love for you never fails- There is no greater power than the love of God. Nothing can defeat it. It can never be destroyed. He loves you, His precious child, with unfathomable fierceness. No emeny will overcome it. His love for you will not be shaken.    
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.                                                                                                                                                              (Lamentations 3:22)

  • His love never gives up on you- There is no limit to God's love for you. No matter what you have done, or will ever do, His love for you will not cease.  He knows even the darkest thoughts of your heart; nothing you do is a surprise to Him. Yet, His love for you remains inexhaustable.
I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness.   (Jeremiah 31:3)

  • His love never runs out on you- People may abandon you but God will not forsake you. He is always by your side ready to carry your burdens, to shoulder your load. Should He feel distant it is simply because you moved. His love for you always stands true.  
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
(Deuteronomy 31:8)    

While there are many things in this life to be uncertain of, there is one thing of which you can be sure. You are, and always will be,  a treasured, much-loved child of the King.

Message for the Journey- 
Though food stores run out if not replenished and bank accounts empty if not restored, there is a treasure without end. No work is needed to earn it, no thief can steal it and no enemy can destroy it. At all times, in all things, God's great love for you does not cease.  All you need do is accept it.

 Yes, I am sure that neigher death, nor life, not angels, nor ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the furutre, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 9:38-39)


  1. I do believe God gives us enough for every day that is why in Psalm 23 it says give us this day our daily bread, our problem in life is we want tomorrows bread for today and it does not work that way. Great post!
