How to Tend the Garden

My pawpaw had a green thumb; his yard was a beautiful thing to behold. The lawn was lush, the flowers prolific and the vegetables plentiful. Yet, these things weren’t automatic; they required effort on his part. He understood what each plant needed to thrive and spent time each day in the yard, tending and guiding it to his will.

Some plants, like hybrid tea roses, require due diligence. They need at least six hours of sunlight- preferably morning, regular water-but never standing water, heavy pruning in February and slightly acidic soil. Prone to aphids and black spot they must be treated regularly. Others, like grasses, grow more readily needing only regular water and sunlight, with an occasional feeding of fertilizer. But the easiest plant to grow is the least desired one- the weed. It thrives nearly everywhere seemingly without effort. It diminishes the beauty of a garden and chokes out more desirable plants.   

Weeds of discontent thrive just as easily in our heart’s garden where they choke out the flowers of peace and lead to conflict and strife in our relationships. But we don’t have to allow them to remain.

Jesus lived in peace no matter how the world treated Him, how little sleep He got the night before or how He felt on a given day. He left each of us His own supernatural peace. But it is up to us to do our part to ensure it thrives. When He tells us, “Do not let your hearts be troubled,” it means we have a choice. Just as we tend our flower beds to keep them free of weeds, we need also tend our heart’s garden.  

T=      Thanksgiving- The first step is to remain focused on just how blessed we truly are. If we were given nothing else, the cross was enough. When our heart recalls all that we already have, it is less likely to feel threatened by external forces.

E=      Examine- We can’t eradicate what we don’t see. The simplest way to keep a garden weed free is regular examination. The Holy Spirit is at hand to help us examine our hearts and, through God’s healing power, remove any damaging seeds that have taken root.    

N=      Notice the good- Neither every day nor every person is completely good but there is good in every day and in every one. Train yourself to seek it out, especially in times of conflict. No matter who they are they were formed in God’s image. See with His eyes.

D=      Defense- Weed block and weed killer are great preventatives to unwanted garden growth. Regular time in the Bible and ongoing communion with God are poison to discord. Apply them liberally.  

Message for the Journey:

No gardener desires a flower bed full of weeds but it takes consistent effort to keep them at bay. If left unchecked, the tender flowers of harmony are easily choked out by weeds of discontentment. It doesn’t take a green thumb for a heart’s garden to flourish but it does require tending. With the help of the Master Gardener every heart can produce a harvest of peace. 

Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.  
Psalm 34:12-14

How to Keep Christ in Christmas

It seems that just about every car you see these days has some message for the world. They run the gamut from benign stick figure families, sports logos, or school shout-outs to incendiary religious or political statements. Just yesterday, I saw one that preached “Keep Christ in Christmas”. Though I truly love that sentiment, it was on a car whose driver sped up to block me from merging into their lane.

When I saw the decal my mental fussing began.  How could a self-professing Christian act that way? Feeling slightly superior, I reflected on my own driving. I might get frustrated with traffic but I wouldn’t cut anyone off intentionally.

But then a still, small voice spoke to my heart. “Are you certain?” Well… I might block someone trying to cut ahead of a long line of cars…but nothing that wasn’t justified. “Is it right because it’s justified?” Ouch.

It’s easy to spot when others are being hypocritical but harder to look at it in ourselves. Even more than our words, how we live our lives is our best witness to the world. So whether we advertise our faith with our clothes, our jewelry, our cars or our voices, we are called to behave like Christ all the time, not just when it is easy or justified. Even the unsaved are kind to those they like.

As humans, we will fail short occasionally but our desire should be to emulate Christ. Only God can see our hearts; the world can see only our actions. He knows we are His but—when our behavior differs from our profession—the world doesn’t buy it. All they see is phony.

It’s true that we become like those we spend most of our time with, so our best hope to grow more Christ-like is more time spent in His presence.

Message for the Journey:

As believers we are ambassadors for Christ, living witnesses to the gospel. When we fail to align our actions with His words we misrepresent His message.   Instead of sharing hope, we share hypocrisy. If we keep Christ in every day, in every moment—it won’t matter what our bumper sticker says—Christmas will more than take care of itself.

"For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!"
Ephesians 5:8

©Ann Wilds

How to Find Joy in the Midst of the Storm

In Houston, we're in the midst of hurricane season which runs from June to November. When a storm grows large enough it’s named by the National Hurricane Center. In the last thirty years, that number has ranged from a low of 4 in 1983 to a high of 28 in 2005. We don't know how many storms will come each year but we know the storms will come. 

The same holds true with the storms of life. Some years there are few while in other s they come non-stop. But one thing is certain, no matter who we are, clouds eventually blow in.  It's easy to be happy when what's happening around us is pleasant. What shows who we are inside is what we're like when trouble comes. How do we find joy in the midst of the storm? 

J - 
Just be still. Know with confidence that God is firmly in control. The sun doesn't fail to shine when clouds are heavy, we simply don’t see it in the moment.  The sun is always in the sky, so too, God is always on the throne. 

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”- Psalms 46:10

Objectively view the situation. Hurricanes are temporary as is the storm we’re going through –no matter how tumultuous. Every day may not be good, but there’s good in every day. Seek it.  

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”- John 16:33

Yield the outcome to God. Even when it’s difficult to understand His way we can still trust His heart.  As His children, we're assured that whatever we're going through will ultimately be for good.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.- James 1:2-3

Message for the Journey:

When people look at you do they see a person filled with joy or instead someone weighed down by the troubles of the day? When we allow the storms of life to steal our joy, we minimize the precious gift we've been given. Happiness may come from happenstance but joy comes from the Lord.

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord ! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!
Habakkuk 3:17, 18

©Ann Wilds